Space Camp
There are openings. Tempting far away planets seen in swirling holes through which you might exit drift past ever so slowly. When a dropout engineering student, a philosopher mechanic, a country drummer, and a free multi-instrumentalist form a pop band, what should happen?
In 2002, If You Find The Old Beat, Play It answered that tricky question, unleashing the odd punk polish of a band that would ultimately christen the Royalty, Etc. record label a couple of years later. In 2006, Space Camp did just that with their sophomore release, Royalty, Etc. , becoming the inaugural release for the namesake label.
And on they went, because Where else would an album of spirituals hide inside a punk rock fleece? On Royalty, Etc. Records that’s where. The final release with original drummer Aaron Seevers, A Foundification for Soundification, was cooked live in the studio, unraveling their ambitions for some time crooning the entire trip.
Although Space Camp slept soundly for many years, in 2014 ground was broken on a follow up LP to a Foundification for Soundification, featuring new drummer, reactivated mastermind and Bagger 97 alumnus, Jay Cassidy.
Tim Uhl
Jon Greenele
Adam Meyers
Jay Cassidy